ForestrySA is the South Australian Government’s plantation and community forest manager located in the heart of beautiful Kuitpo Forest, an hour’s drive from Adelaide.
Our certification experience began in 2004 when the forests first became certified to the internationally-recognised Australian standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708).
Fast-forward almost 20 years and the importance and process of forest certification is well and truly embedded within our team.
ForestrySA manages more than 10,500 hectares of plantation pine forest in the Mount Lofty Ranges, for sustainable timber production.
A further 16,000 hectares of native forest is located within the Mount Lofty Ranges and Limestone Coast and is managed and protected for conservation.
Our forests are multi-use spaces and highly valued by our local communities, visitors and the environment.
They provide sustainable softwood production, an arena for recreational activities and events, habitat for native flora and fauna, and are home to various water catchments.
The certification process allows a systematic approach to the sustainable management of the forests.
Our forest management system covers everything we do – management and protection of commercial plantations, native forests and other land uses, including recreation.
This is why we remain committed to maintaining our certification to Responsible Wood’s standard for Sustainable Forest Management.
Our customers and forest users can also rest assured that our products and services have been reviewed by an external party and meet relevant cultural, economic, social and environmental requirements.
To stay certified, we undergo regular audits with Global-Mark.
The typical two-day audit process involves a visit from the team of auditors who meet with staff in the office and out in the field, examining the way we manage our forests and the activities happening within them.
A range of sites and processes are assessed, such as forest production, ecosystem health, soil and water quality, biodiversity and social and economic benefits.
Audits provide opportunity to identify shortfalls and improve systems and processes within the business. At times we can be “too close” to our jobs to be able to see ways to improve.
They allow us to reflect on the challenges and complexity of the task at hand, and to celebrate a job well done.
Our staff have formed great working relationships with Global-Mark auditors over the years and appreciate their guidance, constructive feedback and opportunity to address any non-conformances.
For more information about Forestry SA, click here.