In focus: APMHA Healthcare Limited

Joanne HurstHuman Services & NDIS, Quality, Environment & WHS, Success of Clients

APMHA is a medium sized NFP working in primary mental health. We deliver primary mental health clinical services to vulnerable populations in contracted areas, funded by Primary Health Networks (PHNs). 

We have a workforce of approx. 100 staff (employed and subcontracted). Our clinical workforce is predominantly made up of mental health social workers, mental health nurses, psychologists and mental health OTs. We work largely via virtual means, but have a main office in Shepparton. We are funded by PHN’s to deliver services in areas of Vic and NSW. We also are part of a consortium to deliver a bipartisan funded program in the Murray region.  

We’ve always had a strong focus on quality, but more and more our funders are mandating relevant accreditation as a requirement for funding submissions.

Our certification experience with our Global-Mark Client Manager has always been first rate. With her support and guidance we have gone from an organisation with no accreditation to an organisation that really lives and breathes quality; we now see the certification process as one where we can showcase our growth in all things quality, whilst still learning from and feeling supported by our experienced and engaged Client Manager. 

As an organisation, we continue to flourish in the area of growth and our accreditation against specific standards is testament to this ongoing commitment. We continue to grow as a company and being able to advertise ourselves as a company accreditation against globally recognised standards provides us with an edge in the competitive commissioning space. 

For more information on APMHA Healthcare Limited, click here.