Welcome Amanda Pritchard

Amanda commenced assisting in the Health program in January 2024 and will be continuing to increase her presence within the health team. She is supporting Melissa (Program Manager) and is a key member in our short notice assessment planning and scheduling processes.
Please contact Melissa and Amanda for all Health Program enquiries on email at:
NSQHS Audit Durations and costs
With the introduction of the Short Notice Assessment Pathway and National Clinical Trials Governance Framework, Global-Mark has changed the process of quoting for assessments to a Schedule of Fees. Rather than issuing a tri-annual quote, you will be quoted per assessment based on the duration of the assessment, which is informed by your Client Profile.
You will be charged the usual day rate of $2200 plus GST, per auditor, per day for the assessment with an additional planning and report writing fee. There will also be the annual fee of $140 plus GST. for the accreditation levy and additional travel costs and expenses, charged at cost.
This is the same fee structure that your previous quotes have been based on, however, because of the Short Notice Assessment Pathway and the addition of other programs such as the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework, your assessment duration will vary depending on the sampling required and schedule of the assessment.
The approximate costs and duration will be communicated in the notification email sent to you 24hrs prior to the assessment.
Short Notice Assessment – Tips for completing your Client Profile
- Contacts are up to date – Please make sure we have the most appropriate people to contact for SNA notifications, providing at least two contact people, up to date phone numbers and email addresses.
- Facility business days and opening hours – Please select from the drop down list for the services available for each day that you are open.
- Excluded dates – Health Service Organisations may request up to 20 days per accreditation cycle for exclusion of a short notice assessment. These dates do not include those on which a HSO does not routinely open, however it is important that you notify us if your usual days of business change. Please check the criteria for excluded dates in the Commission fact sheet.
- Not Applicable Actions – Where your organisation considers that an action is not applicable, please provide documentation in the Client Profile when completing your update. This will allow us to process this application well in advance of your Short Notice Assessment.
- For day surgeries – Please keep us updated with any changes to your patient episode/high risk clinical episode list as this allows us to carry out your assessment on an appropriate day.
- Changes to your organisation’s information – It is important for you to update us of any changes to your information to allow us to plan for your assessment.
All correspondence or updates regarding Short Notice Assessments or Client Profiles should be emailed to health@global-mark.com.au
National Clinical Trials Governance Framework
It is mandatory for all public and private Australian hospitals, day procedure services and public dental services to be assessed through an independent accreditation process to determine whether they have implemented the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. Therefore, the actions in the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework are also mandatory for health service organisations that provide a clinical trial service.
There are many contexts in which clinical trials services are provided, and various operating models, such as tele-trials and decentralised trials. If the health service is assessed to the NSQHS Standards for clinical service provision, then assessment to the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework (NCTGF) is required.
Clinical trial participants are not only patients admitted to a facility for a procedure. Participants can be referred to a trial from a number of sources and are most often not admitted. Assessment to NCTGF is required in all facilities currently assessed to the NSQHS Standards and conducting any part of a clinical trial.
For more information on the NCTGF please refer to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare website.
National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards
Assessment to the NSQ Primary and Community Healthcare Standards began from 1 May 2023. If it is mandatory for your healthcare service to maintain accreditation, it is up to each individual health service organisation to check with your state and territory health department to ensure you are eligible to transition to these standards from NSQHS.
For more information on the NSQPCH Standards please refer to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare website.