Further update: ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems…What’s next?

Joanne HurstScheme / Program Update

With the new ISO45001 where do we go?

This standard is very new, and to a large extent not yet formalised. However, this is what we have been able to gather in the last few weeks.  Overall OHSAS18001 is going to be phased out in the next three years (or from the date of publication of ISO45001). OHSAS18001 Clients will have to transition to ISO45001. It is likely ISO45001 will not be published as an AS or AS/NZS standard, AS/NZS4801 is going to continue as an Australia/New Zealand standard.

It is our understanding that a number of State/Territory Regulators call for AS/NZS4801 in various documents and therefore it is not possible to change. JASANZ is considering putting ISO45001 under a new Scheme: this means certification bodies like Global-Mark will have to apply for accreditation. This can be a slow process with document review, office audits, witnessing etc however we hope that currently accredited certification bodies will have a “simpler” pathway.

Key dates:

  • ISO45001 was published March 2018
  • OHSAS certification will have to upgrade to ISO45001 by March 2021

We are in the process of developing training materials and aim to commence delivery of these in the later part of the year.